Monday, February 13, 2012

The Beginning

Alfresco Dinner ala Morsels photo by Kim Jones
I love both food and travel. I love to take pictures of beautiful places and tasty food. My friends all genuinely seem to enjoy my postings and often ask me if "we" are going anywhere fun soon or where are "we" going to eat? I've been documenting dining experiences whether fancy or just plain yummy for my Facebook friends for years as well as posting photos of where ever my travels take me. I enjoy giving them suggestions of places to add to their dining and travel wish lists. I also love showing the parts of the world I've seen to those who think they'll never travel and dine outside their familiar bounds. So it's for those who dine and travel vicariously through me as well as those who may be inspired to try new foods and travel to new destinations I dedicate this blog. I don't have to go far to find that truly special place to eat, but if I do have to travel to get be it!


  1. Yay! This is going to be great fun! Can't wait to see and taste!

  2. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another! 1Peter 4:10 :)

  3. Can I be inspired by the food and travel if I don't stay for the scripture? ;)

  4. Absolutely Angela! This is not meant to be a preachy blog. Just laying a good foundation then off we go! Glad to have you aboard.
